A 30 year old female came to the OPD with c/o of shortness of breath since 7 years.

A 30 year old female came to the OPD with c/o of shortness of breath since 7 years.
HOPI:The patient was apparently asymptomatic 7 yrs ago then she developed difficulty in breathing which is of insidious in onset , intermittent,aggregated with walking and relieved on medication 
Associated with non productive cough since 1 year.
  She also complained of swelling in the neck, since 7 years.
No h/o fever
No h/o cold.
Past h/o:
N/k/c/o surgeries,DM,HTN, Allergies,TB
H/o asthma
Personal history:
Normal appetite,mixed diet,regular bowel bladder movements,adequate sleep
